Choir Rassvet
To share the gospel of Jesus Christ through music
Encourage believers in their walk with Christ
Lead the congregation in worship
Provide an avenue through which young individuals may share their gifts and be an integral part of the church
Individuals minimum 16 years of age who have accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and possess a desire to serve God through the music ministry.
Bible & prayer time with God are an essential part of being a choir member. This ministry is the outward expression of our spiritual life and walk with God.
Choir members are expected to be present and on time for all rehearsals and performances. When this is not possible, it is the member’s responsibility to contact choir coordinators and advise them of the situation.
After two consecutive absences from rehearsals, the individual will not sing with the choir at the next performance.
After four consecutive absences, the choir member’s name will be deleted from the active choir roll.
Choir “Rassvet” participates in one service each month.
Members are required to memorize all choir songs according to the schedule provided.
Arrive not less than twenty 20 minutes before serving in order to participate in the service.
Each choir member has the right to participate with song, poem, or instrument for church service with prior approval from the choir coordinator.
Rehearsal Schedule:
Choir rehearsals - Mondays 7 pm – 8:30 pm (exceptions are noted on the choir calendar)
A calendar with detailed information including choir practices, songs to learn for each practice and church performances is provided on the choir’s website.
We are very blessed to serve the Lord together with you in this important ministry.
May this ministry be a blessing for all of us!
Choir “Dawn” Coordinators:
Ruslan & Yulia Yanovskiy​